Confronting Inequality. Building Community

Qurʾanic Neighborliness as a Case of Communal Ethics [Part I]

The neighborhood may be conceived as an intermediate space, a location between the private and the public. Here, an individual extends the immediate and private space of human interaction. The people populating this space are not necessarily part of one’s [...]

By |2024-06-12T12:42:08+00:00February 14, 2022|Contemporary Islamic Thought, Contributor Response, IMTF, Islamic Thought, Politics & Society, Qur'anic Studies|Comments Off on Qurʾanic Neighborliness as a Case of Communal Ethics [Part I]

Market-Friendly Muslims: Cultivating Piety without Sacrificing Capitalism

It is one thing to expound the conceptual anatomy of virtue ethics as articulated in Islamic traditions of moral philosophy, mysticism, jurisprudence, etc.; it is another to examine how such articulations are extended and enacted by Muslims seeking to live [...]

By |2024-06-12T12:43:12+00:00January 18, 2022|Contributor Response, IMTF, Islamic Thought, Politics & Society|Comments Off on Market-Friendly Muslims: Cultivating Piety without Sacrificing Capitalism

Kasb (Livelihood), Faqr (Poverty), and Zuhd (Renunciation) in Islamic Economic Tradition

This piece is a response to the initial query of the project on Virtue Ethics and the Cultivation of the Moral Self by Martin Nguyen. In this first response essay, I briefly analyze the state of affairs of contemporary Islamic [...]

By |2024-06-12T12:44:17+00:00January 3, 2022|Contributor Response, IMTF, Islamic Thought, Politics & Society|Comments Off on Kasb (Livelihood), Faqr (Poverty), and Zuhd (Renunciation) in Islamic Economic Tradition

The Islamic Theology of Poverty between Socialism and Capitalism

In The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Max Weber argued that it was the Protestant religious ethic, more particularly Calvinism, that acted as a precursor to modern Capitalist economic development, as it saw a moral and a spiritual [...]

By |2024-06-12T12:45:27+00:00December 5, 2021|Contributor Response, IMTF, Islamic Thought, Politics & Society|Comments Off on The Islamic Theology of Poverty between Socialism and Capitalism

What Do We Owe to Others?: The Meaning of Muslim Communal Ethics in a Contemporary Context

Moral theology can be understood as the science of cultivating human virtue in relation to a recognized set of absolute, divine, or transcendent principles. Considered both theoretically and practically, the cultivated virtues are simultaneously a means of transforming and beautifying [...]

By |2023-04-25T21:53:03+00:00November 9, 2021|Communal Ethics, Contemporary Islamic Thought, IMTF, Islamic Thought, Politics & Society|Comments Off on What Do We Owe to Others?: The Meaning of Muslim Communal Ethics in a Contemporary Context
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